Proxy Wallet is simple to use, and user oriented so that anyone can utilize the currency of the 21st century.
Our system uses a revolutionary 2-factor system for Blockchain transactions. You can either purchase one of our beautiful NFC Proxy Cards as your second factor, or use the biometric capabilities of your device. Either way, your money is safe and secure.
Another key ingredient to bringing Blockchain to the masses is communication. Not just between you and others you know, but any merchant for which you do business. All secure and guarded by our proprietary system. Enjoy Proxy's free instant chat to bring the crypto community closer.
Dompet Proxy mudah digunakan, dan user berorientasi sehingga siapa pun dapat memanfaatkan mata uang dari abad ke-21.
Sistem kami menggunakan sistem 2-faktor revolusioner untuk transaksi Blockchain. Anda dapat membeli salah satu dari Kartu Proxy NFC kita yang indah sebagai faktor kedua, atau menggunakan kemampuan biometrik dari perangkat Anda. Either way, uang Anda aman dan aman.
bahan utama lain untuk membawa Blockchain kepada massa adalah komunikasi. Tidak hanya antara Anda dan orang lain yang Anda tahu, tapi setiap pedagang yang Anda melakukan bisnis. Semua aman dan dijaga oleh sistem milik kami. Nikmati Proxy bebas instan chatting untuk membawa masyarakat kripto lebih dekat.
Proxy Wallet is simple to use, and user oriented so that anyone can utilize the currency of the 21st century.
Our system uses a revolutionary 2-factor system for Blockchain transactions. You can either purchase one of our beautiful NFC Proxy Cards as your second factor, or use the biometric capabilities of your device. Either way, your money is safe and secure.
Another key ingredient to bringing Blockchain to the masses is communication. Not just between you and others you know, but any merchant for which you do business. All secure and guarded by our proprietary system. Enjoy Proxy's free instant chat to bring the crypto community closer.